
Branding, Marketing


Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej (CEO)


Education, NGO

Project Overview

How to build an ecological sense of agency among Polish school pupils? With a little help from top experts working for Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej and European #1Planet4All programme. Together we’ve executed a campaign in which local school audiences were encouraged by influencers and PPC ads to publicly ask questions about various brands’ environmental impact on their official social media channels. The results exceeded our boldest expectations.


58% of target group members (15-20) across the EU believe that the greatest blame for the pace of the climate catastrophe lies with big business and industry (Special Eurobarometer 513).

Customer expectations and pressure have a proven impact on the pace and scale of green innovations among enterprises on a global scale (World Economic Forum data) and locally (University of Indonesia data).

Big Idea

Social media is changing the power relationship between consumers and brands.

Individual decisions of one high school student are not enough to affect the battle for the climate, but students of one high school are collectively able to influence the social media image (make a little community management crisis) of any brand whose activities can be changed to be more pro-ecological.

Together with selected influencers we invited members of the target group to to ask uncomfortable questions accompanied by #ToTheBoard tag on social media profiles of brands and companies whose activities have the greatest impact on the pace of climate change.

The goal and, at the same time, the reward is to persuade a given organization to make a statement about the company’s pro-climate policy or regulations that affect climate change.

The key element is an interactive playbook (a set of rules) developed in the form of animated content adapted to the platforms. It included fact-checking sources, ideas for question topics and rules of general savoir-vivre for engaging in asking companies uncomfortable questions.

Key Results

1st Edition

326 535 reach and 48 105 link clicks on Meta Platforms, 695 900 organic views71 505 likes, 1 485 comments, 766 shares on TikTok, 4117 comments asked by TG members on selected brands’ profiles accompanied by #ToTheBoard hashtag.

2nd Edition

1 026 800 organic views, 107 831 likes, 2 933 comments, 1 281 shares on TikTok, over 4500 comments asked by TG members on selected brands’ profiles accompanied by #ToTheBoard hashtag.

During both editions more than 5 major brands released statements in response to comments asked by TG members. 
